NNERSC Meeting and Attracting Members To Service Workshop
Date(s) - 09/21/2019
12:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Eastern Maine Medical Center
NNERSC Meeting and
Attracting Members To Service Issue Discussion Workshop
Saturday. September 21, 2019
Eastern Maine Medical Center
Brandow Conference Room, 2nd Floor
489 State Street
Bangor, ME
12-4 pm: Regional Service Committee Meeting
Lean about the new Fellowship Development ad-hoc
Learn about using video conferencing to attend service meetings
Learn about the New England States Service Symposium
Learn about the planning of the Multi-Regional Learning Event
To participate remotely via Zoom, follow this link: https://zoom.us/j/4024750512
4:30 – 6:30 pm Attracting Members To Service Issue Discussion Workshop
What would NA look like without service?
Why is service such a significant part of the NA Program?
How have we each personally benefited from service?
How has it helped us each stay clean and enhanced our recovery?
What changes can we make to out attitudes and practice to attract populations that are missing,
such as younger members, to service?
To participate remotely via Zoom, follow this link: https://zoom.us/j/547534944
Free event, food will be served during the workshop
Full day of food, fun. fellowship! Come join us! 489