Public Infomation

What is the Public Information Committee?PI Logo


The role of the PI committee is to ensure that clear and accurate information about NA is available to the public. The demand for information about our fellowship is greater than ever. Being part of a committee that brings suffering addicts to our fellowship is a reward that cannot be expressed, only experienced.

Excerpt taken from the Information Pamphlet “PI and the NA Member” Copyright © 1991 by Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc.  All rights reserved.


The Granite State Area of Narcotics Anonymous Public Information Committee is responsible for the following services to the NA Groups:

The 24 Hour Phone Line
Our Website (
Meeting lists printings and distribution
Presentations to professionals and facilities

…and much more….

 No clean time required to get involved and help serve!


The GSANA PI Committee meetings the 2nd Sunday of every month, Immediately following the Area Service Committee Meeting, ~11:30am, First Floor Training Room of the VA Hospital, Smythe Road, Manchester, NH.


[PI Archives Link]      (A Password Protected Resource)

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