This form is for members of Narcotics Anonymous ONLY.
The 12 Step volunteer list is used by the GSA Public Information Subcommittee and it’s Phoneline Committee to recruit addicts in recovery who are willing to help carry the message to addicts that still suffer.
Our GSA Phoneline Pager Carriers refer 24 hour Helpline callers to people on the 12 Step list that are looking for meetings, asking for directions, or just simply need to talk to someone in recovery either because they think they might use or want to stop using.
Things you should know:
You must have at least 1 year clean to be on the list.
You should never meet an addict alone; always go with at least one other clean NA member.
Never give any personal information to a caller.
Always use *67 when returning calls to block your caller ID.
Read and understand the 12 Step List Do’s & Don’t’s list.
[contact-form-7 id=”106″ title=”12th Step Volunteer”]
All information provided by you on the form below is retained as confidential.
We do not distribute the information to anyone outside of the Narcotics Anonymous fellowship.
Your email address may be added to our free e-newsletter which you can unsubscribe to at any time.