Welcome to the Northern New England Region of Narcotics Anonymous
NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We meet regularly to help each other stay clean. If you are new to our program, please come to a meeting and see us or call one of our helpline numbers listed below (24/7).
Our Region is comprised of five service Areas, with meetings held in Maine, the northern half of Vermont, most of New Hampshire, and several border communities of Massachusetts. We meet every two months in one of our member Areas.
The primary function of the Northern New England Region of Narcotics Anonymous is to unify the Areas within our Region. We do this by carrying the NA message of recovery from the disease of addiction through our subcommittees and by contributing to the growth of N.A. by initiating and supporting the work of the World Service Conference. We contribute to our WSC with funds, ideas and confidence. We are a meeting place for Areas and provide a forum for their needs. We are a resource and a pooling place so a loving higher power may prevail to meet those needs. We also act as a center of communication with other Regions.
We encourage all NA members throughout the NNER to attend and participate in the total RSC experience.
Next NNERNA Service Committee Meeting
Saturday, November 7, 2020
1-4 pm: Regional Service Committee Meeting
Participate remotely via Zoom by following this link:
Meeting ID: 816 3090 9654
The New England States Service Symposium (NESSSNA) workgroup began planning its program this month and has created a NESSSNA Programming Survey Google Form to ask its local membership what workshop topics it would like included in the event program.
Video Conferencing and Remote Participation
BMLT/YAP ad-hoc update
Planning the New England States Service Symposium
and more!